商标服务 / 国内商标
行业分类: 国内商标 /
中汇知识产权致力于为国内外客户提供包括商标注册、版权、高新技术企业认定的全方位一体化的服务。Department of intellectual property rights is committed to providing a full range of integrated identification includes trademark registration, patent agents, high-tech enterprises for domestic and foreign customers service
江苏中汇知产力求为客户实现多赢的服务宗旨,坚持品牌发展下的队伍建设和质量管理并举、自主创新与合作交流并重的治企方针...... Jiangsu property qualied for customers to achieve win-win principle of service, adhere to the team construction and quality management under the brand development simultaneously, both independent innovation and cooperation and exchange rate policy rule